Navigate through user friendly menus with no hassle.


Quicky make payments, deposits, balance enquiries and dposits.


Access your cash anytime anywhere

Pesa Pepe

Get registered at your nearest branch then; Dial *879# to Access our M-banking service.
  •  Accounts to M-pesa
  • Loans
  • Balance Enquiry
  • Mini Statements
  • Change Pin
  • Deposits
  • Airtime Purchase
  • Stop ATM
  • Guaratorship
Our Exclusive Mobile Services

Account to M-pesa

  1. Select option 1 on the main menu labeled as Account to M-pesa

  2. Select the account you are withdrawing from: Ordinary savings, Corporate, Micro-enterprise  account e.t.c

  3. Select where you want to withdraw your money to: Your number, Paybill or Till

  4. Select amount and confirm okay

Mobile Loan

  1. From the main menu select option #2 for Loans
  2. Select whether you want to borrow or repay loan by choosing option 1 or 2.

  3. If you choose to borrow then will request you to choose a loan product.

    Currently, our mobile platform has
    #1:Mobile advance

  4.  A maximum loan limit will be shown

  5. Enter the amount you are requesting and then confirm the request.

Mobile Deposit

  1. From the main menu select option #6 for mobile deposits
  2. Select the product you want to deposit to. Either: Savings, Loans, Investment

  3. Enter the amount to deposit

  4. Confirm amount and the Account to withdraw from by selecting 98.

Balance & Mini Statements Enquiry

  1. For balance enquiry choose option 3 and For Mini Statement select option 4
  2. Select the product you want to deposit to. Either: Savings, Loans, Investment

  3. Confirm amount and the Account to withdraw from by selecting 98

Airtime Purchase

  1.  Select option 7 for airtime purchase
  2. Select either to buy for your number or other number.

  3. Enter airtime amount and confirm the number then send.

Stopping Alternate Channel

  1.  To stop alternate channel select option 8 labeled as Stop ATM
  2. Select channel that you need to be stopped Either: Pesapepe-mobile banking or  Broker – Agency banking

  3. Confirm channel to stop by selecting 98 or decline by selecting 97.

Checking Guarantorship.

  1.  For checking Guaratorship status select option 9 from the main menu.
  2. Select option
    * Loans Guaranteed – to check all the loan guaranteed by your account
    * My guarantors- to check all people that have guaranteed my loan

  3. Confirm channel to stop by selecting 98 or decline by selecting 97.